What to Expect From Liposuction Surgery

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If you are thinking about getting liposuction surgery, then it is important to properly prepare yourself. Read on and find out what to expect from this surgical procedure. 

Statistics released in early 2022 show that there has been a 63% increase in interest in body procedures since the beginning of 2020. The most popular body procedure? Liposuction. 

As a popular surgery, it’s easy to see why so many people have so many questions about what to expect from liposuction surgery. After all, if you’re considering liposuction surgery, you’re no doubt excited about the potential results.  

However, it’s important to understand what to expect from the procedure so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed. In this quick guide, we’ll discuss the basics of liposuction surgery and what you can expect in terms of results and healing time. 

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure where a cosmetic surgeon removes excess fat deposits from certain areas of the body, giving the patient a slimmer appearance.  

How do they do that? An experienced surgeon will make tiny incisions in the targeted area and then use a thin tube called a cannula to suck out the excess fat. Sounds great, right?  

It’s great for certain candidates, yes. The best candidates for liposuction are those who have a relatively good overall body shape. They are simply looking to fine-tune specific areas. 

Yes, this means that, unfortunately, you should never use liposuction as a weight loss solution. It’s also important for patients to have realistic expectations when considering liposuction. While it can enhance your appearance, it won’t necessarily have a major impact on your overall health or wellness journey.  

Ultimately, liposuction can be a fantastic option. It’s great for those seeking more dramatic body contouring results. However, it’s crucial to do thorough research and consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon before making any decisions. 

What Is Liposuction Surgery Like? 

First, the surgeon will inject a solution into the targeted area to minimize bleeding and discomfort during the procedure. Then, using a thin tube called a cannula, they will suction out excess fat cells.  

The liposuction procedure can take anywhere from one to several hours, depending on the size and number of areas you’re treating. 

After the liposuction is complete, you’ll use bandages or compression garments. This aids in healing and promotes smooth results. Lastly, you can expect some mild discomfort and swelling as you recover, but these side effects usually fade within a few weeks.  

Understanding Different Types of Liposuction Procedures

Are you ready to book your liposuction consultation? It’s helpful to know what kind of liposuction procedure you need. There are three main types of this surgical procedure. 

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the most frequently used liposuction technique and is the gold standard worldwide. It is the most minimally invasive fat removal procedure currently available. The technique involves injecting a large amount of dilute anesthetic solution into the target area. This solution contains: 

  • Saline solution 
  • Lidocaine 
  • Epinephrine 
  • Sodium Bicarbonate 
  • And often a mild corticosteroid 

This solution shrinks blood vessels, reduces bleeding and inflammation, and numbs the area to minimize discomfort during and after the surgery. You can get tumescent liposuction on various parts of the body including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and neck.  

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is also referred to as UAL. This liposuction procedure begins with the Tumescent Technique. The fat cells are then “melted down” with the ultrasound before being sucked out.   

Some surgeons believe the heat generated from the ultrasound can help tighten the overlying skin more so than Tumescent Liposuction, but there is no hard scientific evidence that this is the case. This technique also carries a greater risk of complications as the heat can cause burns to the skin and necrosis. 

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

See Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction. The only difference is a laser is used to melt the fat and generate heat rather than ultrasound. 

What to Keep in Mind Before Liposuction

What should you consider before deciding to undergo liposuction? 

It’s important to remember that this surgery is not a weight loss solution. It’s recommended for those who are already at or near their goal weight. You’re an ideal candidate if you’re seeking to remove stubborn fat deposits in specific areas of the body. 

It’s also important to understand that liposuction is not a substitute for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In some cases, it can require additional surgeries in the future to maintain results.  

Additionally, it’s important to know that liposuction can improve the shape and contour of your body, but it will not address any issues with loose skin. 

So, what happens before your liposuction surgery? 

First off, your surgeon will likely have you undergo a physical exam. During this exam, they’ll discuss any medical conditions or medications you may be taking. It’s also important to stop smoking before the surgery, as this can inhibit healing and increase the risk of complications.  

Next, your surgeon will mark the specific area or areas to be treated. They’ll likely also photograph them for before and after for comparison. Then, the surgeon will administer anesthesia before going in and removing excess fat using the cannula suction devices. 

The Liposuction Recovery Process

The liposuction recovery process can vary for everyone. Generally, you’ll start off wearing a compression garment to prevent swelling and help your skin conform to its new shape.  

Most people can return to work or their normal routine in about a week or so. It’s important to listen to your body and take it easy during this time, though. You may experience some pain and discomfort, but your doctor can prescribe medication if needed. 

It’s also crucial to follow any post-operative care instructions given by your surgeon. This includes avoiding strenuous activity and abstaining from any alcohol or smoking.  

There will be some bruising, swelling, and even small bumps during the initial healing period. These should gradually diminish as time goes on.  

Overall, liposuction is a safe procedure with very little risk of complications. If you’re working with a skilled and experienced surgeon, you should be fine. However, as with any surgery, it’s important to find the right cosmetic surgeon for your needs. 

Schedule a Consultation for Liposuction

Ready to have liposuction surgery? At Popp Cosmetic Surgery PC, we’re here to help. Our lead cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon has been in practice since 1983, helping people transform their bodies and live their best lives. 

Book an appointment online or give us a call at (402) 391-4558 to start your transformation!

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