What is an Abdominoplasty Surgery? Is it Right for You?

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If you’re looking to reduce fat and improve your figure, you may be interested in an abdominoplasty surgery. But what exactly is it? Learn more here.

Did you know that close to $16.7 billion was spent in 2020 on cosmetic procedures in the United States?  

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 11% of women surveyed acknowledged they were more interested in pursuing cosmetic plastic surgery or non-surgical options now than before the coronavirus pandemic.  

Are you considering cosmetic surgery as part of a plan to become the best version of yourself possible? 

If so, you may want to consider abdominoplasty surgery. But what is it? And how do you know if it’s the right option for you? And what else should you know? Read on to learn more. 

What Is Abdominoplasty Surgery?

An abdominoplasty is the clinical term for a tummy tuck procedure. It’s a cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the look of your abdomen. 

During abdominoplasty surgery, the surgeon will remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen. The surgeon will then tighten the connective tissue in the surgical site with sutures before repositioning the remaining skin. 

The goal will be to leave your abdomen more toned. 

Exercise and dieting aren’t always enough to slim down your stomach. Consider a tummy tuck if you’ve been trying for ages but haven’t had much luck. 

You can book a consultation to learn more about the benefits of going this route. 

How Do You Know if Abdominoplasty Surgery Is for You?

Now that you know what abdominoplasty is, the next thing to consider is whether it’s the proper cosmetic surgery procedure for you. Continue reading to learn more about when tummy tuck surgery might be your best option. 

You Have Stretched Skin

One reason to get tummy tuck surgery is if you have stretched skin and want to tighten it up. 

For instance, if you’ve had multiple pregnancies, one of the side effects could be stretched skin. Opting for the procedure can help tighten up the sagging abdominal skin and leave the area with a more sculpted and toned look. 

If you’ve previously had a C-section during childbirth, the cosmetic surgeon doing your abdominoplasty may be able to incorporate the visible C-section scar into your abdominoplasty scar. 

Another reason to consider an abdominoplasty is if you’ve lost a lot of weight but are dealing with a lot of loose skin and fat deposits in the abdominal region. In such cases, an abdominoplasty can help tighten any stretched skin.   

Getting an abdominoplasty can reduce abdominal fat, leave you looking better, and give you a more positive body image. 

You’re Getting Other Cosmetic Work Done

You can also get an abdominoplasty alongside other cosmetic surgery procedures. That can be a godsend if you want to get work done but would rather not book individual appointments to complete all the desired procedures. 

Have you been looking into getting various procedures done and want to know which ones you can combine in a single cosmetic surgery appointment? Book a consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons to determine your options. 

You might want to combine an abdominoplasty with other cosmetic surgery like breast augmentation, breast reduction, or breast lift surgery. Again, one of our cosmetic surgeons can answer your questions and explain your options. 

You Want to Look Your Best

It’s not a sign of vanity to want to look your best. And one way you can accomplish this is to get down to an ideal weight and tone your muscles. A cosmetic surgeon can help reduce your abdominal fat and reshape your body. 

If you’re having trouble getting rid of abdominal fat and need help getting the body you want and deserve, book an appointment to speak with one of our cosmetic surgeons. 

Getting cosmetic surgery done can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. It can help you look better and feel better about yourself. 

What Else Should You Know Before Deciding?

Knowing what an abdominoplasty is and when it makes sense to have one is essential. But there are some other things you need to know in order to make an informed choice. 

How Long Is the Downtime After the Procedure?

After getting a tummy tuck, you’ll need some downtime to recuperate. The cosmetic procedure involves making a hip-to-hip incision to perform the work in your abdominal area. So, you can expect some soreness as a result.  

You’ll need to take some time off work and get family and friends to help you with household chores, walk the dog, and take care of the kids. It’ll take at least a couple of weeks to get back to some semblance of normalcy. 

If you usually like to work out, you will have to put that on the back burner for at least a month. You can count on the cosmetic surgeon who performs the abdominoplasty to brief you on things to keep in mind post-surgery.  

What Else Should You Know?

There are other things about abdominoplasty surgery you should know about before proceeding.  

The procedure itself is not a replacement for losing weight. And you may need to lose weight before the cosmetic surgery because you should be no less than 15 pounds from your desired weight target. 

If you’re far off your weight target or ideal weight, get the surgery, and then gain or lose too much weight down the road, you can actually counteract the contoured shape accomplished by the abdominoplasty surgery.  

Do You Want Abdominoplasty Surgery?

Abdominoplasty surgery can be a great way to get the tummy tuck benefits you may have read about and wanted to experience for yourself.  

Are you interested in booking a consultation or finding out if an abdominoplasty is the right option for you?  

Our cosmetic surgeons have the skill and expertise to provide the cosmetic procedures you want for your body, face, or breasts. Book an appointment online or give us a call at (402) 391-4558 to find out how we can help you achieve your objectives. 

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